what are you afraid of?

(Español abajo)

I went camping last weekend. I didn’t sleep well with that thin nylon fabric as the only barrier between me and the woodland creatures whose home I was invading.

Camping has never been my favorite activity. I feel like I have leftover “trauma” from childhood experiences of camping in cold places with greasy spam for dinner. (Those are stories for another day.)

It’s taken a while, but in recent years, I’ve been trying to get past those memories and lean into adventures with my family. Everyone else in my family enjoys camping quite a bit. They didn’t get that from me.

The last few experiences have actually been very fun. I love being in nature. I love being with my family. I love being off my phone and away from normal distractions. I love learning new things. And, with the purchases of a few key items of quality camping gear, I’ve been plenty comfortable. I’ve enjoyed the hikes, the “gourmet” meals made with boiling water in a bag, and especially the shared laughter around the campfire.

Until bedtime.

It seems all the bugs decide to sing loudly once I am in my sleeping bag. Branches creak, and the wind flutters every flimsy flap on the tent. As a mom, I sleep lightly anyway, always vigilantly on edge as to how everyone else is doing.

But mostly, I’m afraid.

Yes, there are animals in the area, but we’ve carefully guarded food and tempting smelly things in bear cans placed far away from the camp. I am with a good-sized group of people, many very experienced with camping. They are not afraid.

I’ve been thinking about the title of this blog – “Maturitas Cafe.” I chose the name because I wanted it to be a forum for maturing, growing together, learning how to look more like Jesus.

Learning how to handle fear is an area that I want to grow in this year.

I’ve overcome my fears enough to go with those who sleep peacefully in their tents. Now, I hope to lessen my nighttime fears and increase my quality of sleep while I am out there with them.

Some things I’ve thought of to help me:

  • focus on truth – not on imaginings
  • go with those who are not afraid – good examples and wisdom there
  • keep going – usually, things I’ve done more times produce less fear for me
  • pray and ask others to pray for me
  • take small steps – I don’t have to conquer everything at once
  • give myself grace – laugh about it and leave some margin to catch up on sleep back at home if needed.

How about you…what are you afraid of? How do you handle that fear? Do you have any tips for me?

¿A qué le tienes miedo?

Fui a acampar el fin de semana pasado. No dormí bien con esa fina tela de nailon como la única barrera entre las criaturas del bosque cuyo hogar estaba invadiendo yo.

Acampar nunca ha sido mi actividad favorita. Siento que me quedan “traumas” de experiencias infantiles de acampar en lugares fríos con el “Spam” grasoso para cenar. (Esas son historias para otro día).

Me ha llevado un tiempo, pero en los últimos años he intentado superar esos recuerdos y unirme en aventuras con la familia. Todos los demás miembros de mi familia disfrutan bastante de acampar. Eso no lo obtuvieron de mí.

Las últimas experiencias han sido realmente muy divertidas. Me encanta estar en la naturaleza. Me encanta estar con mi familia. Me encanta desconectar mi teléfono y alejarme de las distracciones normales. Amo aprender cosas nuevas. Y, con la compra de algunos artículos clave de equipo para acampar de calidad, me he sentido bastante cómoda. He disfrutado de las caminatas, de las comidas “gourmet” hechas con agua hervido regado a una bolsa y sobre todo, de las risas compartidas alrededor de la fogata.

Hasta la hora de dormir.

Parece que todos los insectos deciden cantar en voz alta una vez que estoy en mi saco de dormir. Las ramas crujen y el viento agita cada endeble solapa de la tienda. Como madre, duermo ligeramente de todos modos, siempre atenta a cómo les va a los demás.

Pero sobre todo tengo miedo.

Sí, hay animales en la zona, pero hemos guardado cuidadosamente la comida y las cosas olientes tentadoras en latas especiales que los osos no pueden abrir y las hemos colocadas lejos del campamento. Estoy con un grupo de buen tamaño de personas, muchas de ellas con mucha experiencia en acampar. Ellas no tienen miedo.

He estado pensando en el título de este blog: “Maturitas Café”. Elegí el nombre porque quería que fuera un foro para madurar, crecer juntos y aprender a parecernos más a Jesús.

Aprender a manejar el miedo es un área en la que quiero crecer este año.

He superado mis miedos lo suficiente como para ir con quienes duermen tranquilamente en sus tiendas de acampar. Ahora espero disminuir mis miedos nocturnos y aumentar la calidad de mi sueño mientras estoy con ellos.

Algunas cosas que he pensado para ayudarme:

  • centrarse en la verdad, no en imaginaciones
  • ve con aquellos que no tienen miedo: son buenos ejemplos y ofrecen sabiduría
  • sigue adelante – por lo general, las cosas que he hecho más veces me producen menos miedo
  • orar y pedir a otros que oren por mí
  • dar pequeños pasos: no tengo que conquistarlo todo a la vez
  • darme gracia mi misma – reírme de ello y dejar algo de margen para recuperar el sueño en caso si es necesario

¿Y tú… a qué tienes miedo? ¿Cómo manejas ese miedo? Tienes algun consejo para mi?

14 thoughts on “what are you afraid of?

  1. I had plenty of time to ponder this concept of fear while driving to a place in Milwaukee that wasn’t familiar after dark amidst heavy traffic with my fading eyesight and a Google directional map that decided not to employ the speaking prompts! My biggest fear was that I would end up in a fiery crash since I couldn’t see the street signs and was rerouted multiple times which became pretty comical, and I actually ended up laughing! I was attending an Interfaith Dinner Dialogue and after finally getting there I was told they hadn’t received my registration since many folks hadn’t pushed the “send” button on the registration form!
    “I pushed send!” I said, hopefully not too loudly, and was offered wonderful hospitality even though I appeared to be crashing the event.
    All this to say that even when I prepare ahead by checking and planning my route, stuff happens that is just scary for me, and my heart pounds and my hands are sweaty and God just says keep going all the while I’m telling God that He is soooo NOT funny…
    The fact that you are doing something that scares you to be with your family is the epitome of courage. I guess I’m learning that there is stuff that’s scary because it is and somehow God helps you keep going and find some good laughs in the absurdity of it all.
    Long story to tell you you’re doing great, and even if something crazy happens, your Mama Bear instincts will fire up and whatever is outside that tent will rue the day it came across you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Love your vulnerability in this blog, Terry! I don’t fear camping. We loved doing it in Kenya and one time we heard the munch, munch of grass outside our tent to find when we slowly unzipped the window cover that two hippos were grazing there. We’d been warned to not let the hippos see us when they were out of water. They are very dangerous then. So we just listened and they moved on and we finally slept. The fears I have to trust God with the most pertain to physical weakness and sickness. I always have to remember that His grace is sufficient and that actually my trust in Him grows during those times. I’m sure you find the same in trusting Him with your fears. He ultimately knows what we each need!! Love you friend!!💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • OMG – hippos! My respect for you has just skyrocketed to another level! As I lay in my tent, I’ll just think – at least whatever is out there is not a HIPPO! 😂
      We do all have different fears – and different fears at different times in our lives. Thanks for sharing yours too… and also for the encouragement always. Love you too!


      • LOL… Definitely a story worth a giggle and not likely to be hippos if you are camping in USA and maybe that can help provide some perspective as you lay there at night.
        Last month when I was in the Amazon river basin (not camping but IN a house) I had a large iguana crawling on the ceiling tiles of my bedroom. That was noisy!! and while I knew he couldn’t get down to me as the ceiling tiles were tight fitting, I still wondered if he might!
        When camping, I love the night sounds as I ponder what the animals and trees and birds are talking about – are they chattering about this foreigner stumbling in their land or are they discussing how God made each of them unique.
        Here’s to more camping AND better rest for you.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, sweet friend, I’ve been camping a few times and get your concern! I don’t fear critters–I actually went after a raccoon until someone said it was dangerous. But I love your list of things to consider when fear overwhelms and tries to squish me–which happens too often. Especially focusing on truth and giving myself grace–the grace part is hard! Love you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Love, love, love this, Terry! I’m recognizing some own fears in my life as of late that I really need to give to God. It’s as if He is reminding me that I don’t have to figure things out on my own. He’s with me in the process. I don’t need to be overwhelmed. Still, the fear is very real, and it is proving to be a challenge to overcome it. Anyway, I appreciate your vulnerability here. What an encouragement to me. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww, friend. You are very welcome. It seems we are often on a similar learning track! 💛 So glad this was an encouragement to you. I don’t write often, but when God prompts, sometimes the words just flow, and I trust they are necessary for me… and maybe someone else too.

      Liked by 1 person

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